I could have written about food but I dont know so, I will start by writtinng about me.
I think that if I where to be more oranized it would be easier for me to find things. I am loving, caring,emotional, and helpful. I think that people should be nice to others, I don't think people should mistreat other people. it is not nice to be mean to people,and maybe just by being nice you could make someones day better. You could make a difference in someone's life just by doing sometime nice for them.
I also think that one should respect one another and respect others things. I think this because, I do not like it when people get my things with out asking. I tink it shows bad manners and it just not polite.
I like to help people because I like the feeling of knowing that I helped someone do something. It makes me feel good about myself.
I have a fish, and I am happy because it will be a year since I got it. This as been the longest I've had a fish for. He is a red Betta fish and his name is Blue. I am really happy that Blue had made it this far, it has been through quiet a lot.
At this moment I am reading a book "Flowers for Algernon". This book is about a man (Charlie) who get an operation to make him smarter. After the operation, he realisez how others use to treat him and he doesn't know how to feel about it. I'm really looking forward to knowing what he will do when he finds out that the people who he consider his friends where just making fun of him and having "fun" with him by hurting him.
I do not know what else to write so, I will end this by saying, that this class has helped me a lot with working with a computer. Also I have better my typing skills, and that is a really good thing.