Betta fish is a small most of the time colorful fresh water fish. These fish belong to the gourami family. The most know betta fish are the Siamese fighting fish.
Betta fish range from 1 inch up to 5 inches. They can breath atmospheric air because of there special organ called labyrinth. Betta fish are native to Thailand and Cambodia. Wild betta fish can aften be found in rivers, small ponds, and drain. Betta fish are hardy an can eat almost anything in its environment. They are not big eaters. They got there name from an acient clan called the "Bettah". These type of fish became popular in the mid-1800s. They ate bloodworms, brine shrimp or daphinia.
These fish do not like company. They will fight each other regarless of the gender.
They prefer sligthly acidic water
They have different tail shapes
How to take care of a Betta Fish
Choose a fish that seems to like you. Make sure that the fish you want is not damaged. If it is and you like it take it, just make sure you tell the pet store to see if they can help you heal it.
Make sure you have a tank with plenty of hiding places for the fish. These type of fish like to hide. Also put natural plants
Prpare the water make sure is at 76 degress celcious.
Put the fish in the water.
Feed fish at regular time and in small portions.
Care Tips
How do betta fish reproduce?
Betta fish care
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