I am a 9th grade student. I attend Linda Esperanza Marquez High School.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
It is important to be clean because it makes it a lot easier to concentrate. If you have a dirty campus it will bother you, and you wont concentrate. It is important to have your school clean because it makes you look good. Other schools might start to know your school because you keep it clean. Also if a parent comes to visit your school, or someone important, and they see that the school is clean they will think good of you. This will encourage them to come back. If the school is not clean then they will not want to come back and that will make you look bad. Some things you can do to keep your school clean is pick up after yourself. Not only this but if you see trash near you pick it up. Not only will this make you look good but you will help the janitor with his job. This will make the janitor happy. What you can also do is tell other to clean up after themselves too. You could be a role model for others to follow by picking up your own trash.
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